Yalos Psikoloji
Meryem R. Taşbilek
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Tel: +90 546 909 10 34
Individual & Couple
You do NOT have to take advantage of the Family Counseling service by participating collectively with couples or family members. If you come together, different goals are set, if you come alone, different goals are set. This also applies to children and adolescents in the family.
If your partner is refusing to get help for some reason, this may be a reflection of the circumstances that fuel your need for help. Since the goal cannot be to change the one who refuses to come, it can be aimed for you to gain new stances and perspectives.
''In this situation
The therapist's job involves identifying the conflict, helping the client to focus on the emotions associated with that conflict, and enabling him to develop new solutions for dealing with that conflict.
"Therapists themselves may describe what they do as providing ../.. new opportunities for emotional learning involving intimacy, and from this perspective 'technique' rank second to the healing potential of the relationship itself." p. 17
Nancy McWilliams
psychoanalytic diagnosis,
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Sex Therapy
Sex is not shameful. Talking about sexual matters as much as sexuality is not a situation that requires shame or guilt within the framework of mutual consent. As family counselors and psychotherapists, we listen to sexual issues and problems that are seen as a shame, taboo and sin for others, without judging or underestimating, and accompany the clients to analyze and resolve the source of the problem.
The sexuality that you think you will be shamed and judged, that you live with consenting adults, or whether you want to live or not, may be taboo even for you due to social pressures and wrong and inadequate education, and may cause some sexual and psychological problems due to oppression.
It is unethical for us, as those who provide psychological counseling services, to belittle, condemn or judge these issues. However, unfortunately, there are many experts who violate ethical rules. You can choose the expert you can trust with your intuition and observations.
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Family counselling
The fact that the clients see family counseling as a process, fast consumption is a service or that there is no advisory body that takes responsibility for decision making from you. awareness increases the function of psychological support.
Almost no vital, psychological problem can be resolved with one session or a few hours of discussion. Being aware of this will increase the gains from the consultancy service.
We accompany you with scientific techniques so that you can take the most appropriate steps for you and the dynamics of your life in your relationships with family counseling (spouse, partner, parent, child, etc.) and to face your emotions.
"...Unlike other clinical schools in psychoanalysis, a disease is not cured, but a human being is tried to be understood in all its complexity and holism." Nancy McWilliams, Psychoanalytic Diagnosis
First of all, being understood, and even witnessing someone make a special effort to understand without judgment, is in itself a therapeutic process that increases one's quality of life.
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YAS Therapy
Mourning; experienced after various losses. It can be experienced due to trauma, loss, divorce, deception, abandonment, abandonment, forced migration, relocation, change in life routine, organ loss, serious illnesses (a companion), loss of status and/or job, as well as death/s. Grief Therapy(t) accompanies clients with special techniques and approaches to cope with these processes so that they can overcome the process in a healthier way.
In grief therapy, living your grieving healthily is at the center. The suppressed mourning process can trigger a pathological process.
“Analytical therapies are not a monolithic field of activity that is persistently applied to every client. A good diagnostic formulation will guide the therapist's choices regarding key points such as attachment style, style of intervention, and initial emphasis.
p. 17, 18
Psychoanalytic Diagnosis
"The purpose of psychoanalytic therapy is to guide the analysand/client so that he can speak the truth about his desire."
Dylan Evans
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Sex Therapy
Sex is not shameful. Talking about sexual matters as much as sexuality is not a situation that requires shame or guilt within the framework of mutual consent. As family counselors and psychotherapists, we listen to sexual issues and problems that are seen as a shame, taboo and sin for others, without judging or underestimating, and accompany the clients to analyze and resolve the source of the problem.
The sexuality that you think you will be shamed and judged, that you live with consenting adults, or whether you want to live or not, may be taboo even for you due to social pressures and wrong and inadequate education, and may cause some sexual and psychological problems due to oppression.
It is unethical for us, as those who provide psychological counseling services, to belittle, condemn or judge these issues. However, unfortunately, there are many experts who violate ethical rules. You can choose the expert you can trust with your intuition and observations.
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my approach
I aim to provide a more accessible mental health service to all, rather than serving only a certain group.
Frankly, every situation and case is unique because the relationship of every person or couple is influenced by many human, philosophical and sociological dynamics. Contrary to many mental health professionals, I prefer to make eclectic syntheses such as tailoring for each person instead of approaching each client in the same way and applying the same techniques.
“Analytical therapies are not a monolithic field of activity that is persistently applied to every client. A good diagnostic formulation will guide the therapist's choices regarding key points such as attachment style, style of intervention, and initial emphasis.
p. 17, 18
Psychoanalytic Diagnosis
my approach
I aim to provide a more accessible mental health service to all, rather than serving only a certain group.
Frankly, every situation and case is unique because the relationship of every person or couple is influenced by many human, philosophical and sociological dynamics. Contrary to many mental health professionals, I prefer to make eclectic syntheses such as tailoring for each person instead of approaching each client in the same way and applying the same techniques.
“Analytical therapies are not a monolithic field of activity that is persistently applied to every client. A good diagnostic formulation will guide the therapist's choices regarding key points such as attachment style, style of intervention, and initial emphasis.
p. 17, 18
Psychoanalytic Diagnosis
my approach
I aim to provide a more accessible mental health service to all, rather than serving only a certain group.
Frankly, every situation and case is unique because the relationship of every person or couple is influenced by many human, philosophical and sociological dynamics. Contrary to many mental health professionals, I prefer to make eclectic syntheses such as tailoring for each person instead of approaching each client in the same way and applying the same techniques.
“Analytical therapies are not a monolithic field of activity that is persistently applied to every client. A good diagnostic formulation will guide the therapist's choices regarding key points such as attachment style, style of intervention, and initial emphasis.
p. 17, 18
Psychoanalytic Diagnosis
Online Session:
To give some general information:
In this process, where I spent a lot of time with Covid-19 in the pandemic, the sessions are only online. In the online counseling service, the conversations take place over a video call application that the client is comfortable with, just like in the office. For some, this may be a question mark as it is a new thing, but I think it has been mutually beneficial. In fact, according to research, this way can cause some people to open themselves more easily.
Clients who cannot go to a place in the same city or to a different city for psychological help, especially due to workload in working individuals, reaction to going to the office in adolescents, age or physical disabilities, children in parents and many responsibilities, are very satisfied. We continue our conversations with some of them via whatsapp or zoom.
Individual and Relationship Issues
Self-respect and Self-compassion
Grief and Trauma Therapy
Sexual Issues
Borderline Kişilik Bozukluğu, Kaygı (Anksiyete) Bozuklukları
ve daha pek çok konuda destek alabilirsiniz.